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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Long Time No Post

Sorry I've been MIA for a while there. I've been meaning to revamp the layout of the blog, but aside from adding a sidebar for patterns you can get online, I haven't yet worked out how I'd like to rearrange the look.

In the meantime, I have been knitting furiously. Some of it will be coming out in the next several months and I hope you like them.

I will write posts on some of the designs I've had released since I last posted, including my inclusion in the debut of a really exciting new online magazine.

But for now, to avoid a completely photoless post, I'll leave you with the hat and booties set I made for Cathy, the latest expecting Spider. The hat is a wonderfully whimsical Kate Gilbert design and the booties are from an old issue of Knit.1. The yarn is Louet Gems.